St James takes its responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding, wellbeing, and health & safety of children, young people, and at-risk adults seriously, and works in partnership with the Church of England & Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work
in accordance with best practice at all times.
in accordance with best practice at all times.
If you have a safeguarding concern or query
If you have a safeguarding concern or query please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO), Clare Kent on 01380 725688 or email her here.
If, the PSO is unavailable or if your concern is urgent, please contact a Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser here.
Outside office hours, or if the PSO and Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser are unaviable, please contact thirtyone:eight on 0303 0031111.
If, the PSO is unavailable or if your concern is urgent, please contact a Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser here.
Outside office hours, or if the PSO and Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser are unaviable, please contact thirtyone:eight on 0303 0031111.
Reporting a safeguarding incident
If, as an office-holder, group-leader, staff member or volunteer at St James you observe or hear of an incident or cause for concern, immediately complete a Safeguarding Incident Report Form (link below) and send it via email to the PSO. Also telephone the PSO, to ensure they are aware of the incident and they have recieved the form.
Safeguarding training & DBS Checks
All staff and volunteers who routinely work with children & young people and adults at risk of abuse, commit to undertake the relevant safeguarding training which consists of:-
Basic Awareness: an essential starting point, completed as an online module (approx 1.5h).
Foundations: face-to-face module or as an online module (approx 1.5h). For all employees or volunteers (including PSO, Churchwardens, Group leaders, LPAs etc) working with Children & Young People and Adults who may be at risk.
Refresher safeguarding training is renewed every 3 years, by completing the relevant level of training for the current role.
In addition to the appropriate level of safeguarding training, all office-holders, group-leaders, staff and volunteers who work with children and adults at risk of abuse, undergo an enhanced DBS check which is renewed every 3 years.
Basic Awareness: an essential starting point, completed as an online module (approx 1.5h).
Foundations: face-to-face module or as an online module (approx 1.5h). For all employees or volunteers (including PSO, Churchwardens, Group leaders, LPAs etc) working with Children & Young People and Adults who may be at risk.
Refresher safeguarding training is renewed every 3 years, by completing the relevant level of training for the current role.
In addition to the appropriate level of safeguarding training, all office-holders, group-leaders, staff and volunteers who work with children and adults at risk of abuse, undergo an enhanced DBS check which is renewed every 3 years.