Wednesday 10am Holy Communion (in-person)
Sunday 9am Holy Communion (in-person)
Sunday 11am Informal Services (in-person & online)
Wednesday 10am holy communion
One of the best kept secrets of St James! It's short (40mins), simple, reflective, and often scratches a spiritual itch at the right time. There is always something in the short homilies to be nourished by.
The service is followed by a cuppa for those that have the time.
A great little midweek topup, especially for those working from home.
The service is followed by a cuppa for those that have the time.
A great little midweek topup, especially for those working from home.
Sunday 9am holy communion
A 1 hour liturgical led (from a booklet) service of Holy Communion, with traditional hymns either led by organ or piano.
Though the service has the liturgy to give structure, there is a degree of openness, and space for silence and the Holy Spirit.
The sermon is usually part of a series on a specific theme as per the 11am service.
On the 3rd Sunday of each month the sermon is taken from one of the lectionary readings for the day.
Though the service has the liturgy to give structure, there is a degree of openness, and space for silence and the Holy Spirit.
The sermon is usually part of a series on a specific theme as per the 11am service.
On the 3rd Sunday of each month the sermon is taken from one of the lectionary readings for the day.
Sunday 11am Informal worship
The 11am service is an informal service for all ages, with groups running for both children and youth.
The service is relaxed and interactive and open to the work of the Holy Spirit.
The talk is usually part of a series on a specific theme as per the 9am service.
Sung worship combines contemporary song, with the occasional revamp of a classic hymn thrown into the mix, and is led by our worship band.
Prayer ministry is usually available after each service.
A Newcomers Welcome Team is on-hand to say hi to anyone new to St James.
The 2nd Sunday of each month includes Communion.
The 3rd Sunday of each month is MENU (see below).
With the exception of MENU, the 11am services are livestreamed and available to watch any time via our YouTube Channel (viralstjames).
1st Sunday of the Month | in-person | creche | groups for children & youth
2nd Sunday of the Month | in-person | informal Communion Service | creche | groups for children & youth
3rd Sunday of the Month | in-person | MENU
4th Sunday of the Month | in-person | creche | groups for children & youth
5th Sunday of the Month | in-person | creche | groups for children & youth
The service is relaxed and interactive and open to the work of the Holy Spirit.
The talk is usually part of a series on a specific theme as per the 9am service.
Sung worship combines contemporary song, with the occasional revamp of a classic hymn thrown into the mix, and is led by our worship band.
Prayer ministry is usually available after each service.
A Newcomers Welcome Team is on-hand to say hi to anyone new to St James.
The 2nd Sunday of each month includes Communion.
The 3rd Sunday of each month is MENU (see below).
With the exception of MENU, the 11am services are livestreamed and available to watch any time via our YouTube Channel (viralstjames).
1st Sunday of the Month | in-person | creche | groups for children & youth
2nd Sunday of the Month | in-person | informal Communion Service | creche | groups for children & youth
3rd Sunday of the Month | in-person | MENU
4th Sunday of the Month | in-person | creche | groups for children & youth
5th Sunday of the Month | in-person | creche | groups for children & youth